cute owner

Assalamualaikum. Terima kasih sebab sudi jejak kasih kat sini. moga tiada harsh words yang keluar dari mulut mungil pembaca semua ya. InsyaAllah kalau Allah berkeizinan saya juga tidak akan sama sekali mengeluarkan kata2 kesat untuk semua pembaca. kalau tidak double yes saya akan bertaubat tidak akan mengulangi perbuatan yang sama buat sekian kalinya
oho...hoi sekali ayat orang skema la keluar. selamat membaca

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Skin Made by Aina Hanani
helped by Raihanah only
freebies by tiqa

chapter 12 page 18
Tuesday 17 December 2013 | 16:55 | 0 BlackWhite
                          -sweet dreams-

Fuhh fuhh fuhh fuhh..tiup sana tiup sini..omg!berhabuknya. amaklumlah da berabad x bukak..ahahaha..busy busy busy..ok first please allow me to tell you guys about my super boring holiday..can't u guys imagine u guys in a same ferry with ur word..awkward!!super duper awkward..and the momment when he line up behind's really can make u guys frozen and stare like him like a stupid..oish..naaa..end of the story..

so now let's me told you guys bout my dreams..oh my!how i wish it became a reality to me..not just a sweet fantacy..oh my oh my oh my....out of blue..i dream about seriously man..never in my life i dream bout him..and yeserday it just like a dreams come true even it just happens in a dream..kekeke..the momment we captured our pic..oh my it seems real to me..hurm..oh man..i miss him..this year is the last year i can see him..why did u pick different day babe?aiyayayay...

i knoe him this year..pernah rapat..but yaa suddenly x minat we become awkward towards each other until NOW!oh was so stupid..he is so popular among his schoolmate..can u imagine how i'm gonna take care of him when i can't see what his doin in funny..


Thanks. visit again soon.

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